Kula Gold Limited reports their recent soil sampling program at the Brunswick Ni-Cu-PGE Project in February 2021 has successfully identified primary copper mineralisation (chalcopyrite+-bornite) in silicified amphibolite.

The discovery is particularly significant for the company as it validates the exploration concept behind the acquisition of the licences within the Western Gneiss Terrain.


Visible copper mineralisation as chalcopyrite identified at Kula’s Brunswick Project in the Southwest of WA.

A total of six 2-10 kg rock chip samples were collected from the Location which have been submitted to Bureau Veritas for urgent gold, PGE and multi-element assays.

The Western Gneiss Terrain is also host to the recently discovered Julimar Ni-Cu-Co-Au-PGE Deposit to the north.

The images below show examples of the veined and matrix-style mineralisation discovered at the Brunswick Project in February 2021.

Figure 1 - Rock samples from Brunswick Ni-Cu-PGE Project - February 2021.

Figure 1 – Rock samples from Brunswick Ni-Cu-PGE Project – February 2021.

A total of six 2-10 kg rock chip samples were collected from the location which have been submitted to Bureau Veritas for urgent gold, PGE and multi-element assays.

Kula has purchased remotely sensed ASTER data—processed for certain spectra of interest, which show additional targets in the licence area, all of which have not been historically explored.

Figure 2. Closeup picture of the chalcopyrite veinlet from Figure 1 - February 2021.

Figure 2. Closeup picture of the chalcopyrite veinlet from Figure 1 – February 2021.

Figure 3. Matrix style pyrite + chalcopyrite ± pyrrhotite mineralisation from the same locality at Brunswick - February 2021.

Figure 3. Matrix style pyrite + chalcopyrite ± pyrrhotite mineralisation from the same locality at Brunswick – February 2021.

An extensive soil sampling program over these new areas of interest is planned for the coming weeks, followed by RC drilling to test the extent of the mineralisation, once relevant approvals are obtained.

Kula Gold Limited has also expanded its Brunswick landholding with the application of 6 blocks in EL 70/5703.

17022021_KulaGoldMedia_Website_BrunswickProject - Figure 4 - Project Area Expansion

Figure 4 – Expansion of Brunswick Ni-Cu-PGE Project Area – February 2021

Further project updates and assay results will be reported in due course.

– News Release –
Date: 17 February 2021 | ASX Code: KGD

The information in this report that relates to geology and exploration is based on information compiled by Mr. Adam Anderson, a Competent Person who is a member of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and the Australian Institute of Geoscientists. Mr. Anderson is a Geology and Exploration Consultant who has been engaged by Kula Gold Ltd. Mr. Anderson has sufficient experience, which is relevant to the style of mineralisation, geology and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity being undertaken to qualify as a competent person under the 2012 edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (the 2012 JORC Code). Mr. Anderson consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.

About the Company
Kula Gold Ltd (ASX: KGD) is a Western Australia gold exploration company focussed on large land positions and structural geological settings capable of hosting ~1m oz deposits.
The company has projects within the Southern Cross WA region including Rankin Dome and Marvel Loch, as well as near Kurnalpi and Brunswick. The company has a history of large gold resource discoveries with its foundation Woodlark Island project in PNG.
Contact the Company Secretary on Tel: +61(08) 6144 0592 or via info@kulagold.com.au