⛏️ Kula Gold Limited reports it is part-way through an estimated 62-hole reverse circulation (RC) drilling program to define the geographic extent and resource potential of kaolin and halloysite within the Boomerang Kaolin Prospect at the company’s 100% owned Marvel Loch-Airfield Gold Project.
- 25 new RC holes (1,316m) drilled to date.
- Logging shows the average vertical thickness of 30m of white kaolin clays intersected from around 6.5m subsurface depth.

Figure 1. Stark Drilling Rig 1 set up at the Boomerang Prospect showing kaolin clays in sample piles.
Stark Drilling have completed a total of 1,316m in 25 RC holes (21BMRC004 to 21BMRC0271 ) to date, stepping out from discovery hole 21BMRC001 (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Map showing location of completed RC holes, coloured by depth of vertical kaolin intercept (as determined visually by geologist on rig)
Results are encouraging given the thick layer of white kaolin clay intersected in the majority of the drill holes (Figure 3).
Visual kaolin clay thickness in the recent drilling varies from 0m (21BMRC008) to 59m (21BMRC004) with an average thickness of 30m for all holes that have intercepted Kaolin at Boomerang to date* (*Not including 21BMRC016).
Figure 3. Photographs of chip trays for 3 of the recent RC holes, showing typical white kaolin alteration observed (locations of RC chips shown is provided in Figure 2).
The remaining holes are designed to test both north and south of completed drilling (Figure 4) further exploring the lateral and vertical extent of the kaolinized horizon, as well as infill between recent drilling in areas where deeper kaolin alteration was observed* (*The designed program presented here is subject to change – the onsite supervising geologist is adjusting the design to reflect the evolving interpretation based off visual results of each hole as they are drilled.)

Figure 4. Drill plan of the Boomerang Kaolin Prospect, showing location completed drilling and remaining holes.
Drilling is currently on hold whilst the rig undergoes maintenance after a mechanical issue. KGD will update the market once drilling resumes. Results will be reported in due course.
– News Release –
Date: 3 December 2021 | ASX Code: KGD
About the Company
Kula Gold Ltd (ASX: KGD) is a West Australian gold exploration company focussed on large land positions and structural geological settings capable of hosting ~1m oz deposits.
The company has various gold, copper, nickel, PGE, halloysite and kaolin projects across the Southern Cross region including Marvel Loch, Rankin Dome and Westonia, as well as at Brunswick and Kurnalpi-Lake Rebecca. The company has a history of large gold resource discoveries with its foundation Woodlark Island Project in PNG.
Contact the Company Secretary on Tel: +61(08) 6144 0592 or via cosec@kulagold.com.au