⛏️ Kula Gold Limited is pleased to announce its quarterly activity report for the period ending 31 December 2021.

Download the Full Release here.


Marvel Loch-Airfield Gold Project at Southern Cross

Boomerang Kaolin Prospect, Southern Cross

  • 52 RC holes (2,887m) drilled in late 2021 at the Boomerang Kaolin Prospect, with further drilling to continue in 2022.
  • Logging of RC holes to date show the white kaolin clays have an average vertical thickness of 29m, intercepted from around 5.7m below surface.
  • Gold potential at the Boomerang Prospect is being tested by extending RC holes through to saprock or fresh rock, on discretion of the supervising geologist.

Crayfish Gold Prospect, Southern Cross


  • Three diamond drill holes totalling 363m have been completed at the Crayfish Gold Prospect – assay results pending.


G Star Gold Prospect, Southern Cross


  • Assay results from first pass auger geochemistry sampling has identified the G-Star Gold Prospect.


Figure 1: KGD’s 100% owned Projects within the Southern Cross Region

Southern Cross Region (KGD 100%)

KGD has had a strong field presence in the Southern Cross Region this quarter, with extensive reverse circulation (RC) drilling completed at Marvel Loch-Airfield, as well as geochemical sampling (auger and rock chip) at both the Rankin Dome and Westonia Projects.


Boomerang Kaolin Prospect

Southern Geoscience Consultants Pty Ltd (SGC) was engaged to conduct a passive seismic survey over the Boomerang Prospect early in the quarter. Passive seismic surveying is a rapid, relatively cheap, near-surface geophysical survey method used to define thickness of geological layers with distinctly different acoustic properties. Two (2) lines were run to determine if passive seismic would be able to determine the base of the kaolin horizon at Boomerang, and therefore might be a good tool for determining areas with deeper kaolin alteration.

The passive seismic was successful in mapping the kaolin and sap-rock (granite and/or amphibolite) boundary with strong confidence, demonstrating these layers have distinctly different acoustic properties at Boomerang. Results of this survey were used to guide the RC drill program, commenced in November, 2021.

As of the 31st of December 2021, 52 RC holes have been drilled at the Boomerang Kaolin Prospect out of the
estimated 80-hole planned program.

Figure 2: Stark Drilling’s RC Rig on site at the Boomerang Kaolin Prospect, Marvel Loch – Airfield Project

KGD is working with an independent Resource Geologist, in anticipation of being able to calculate a preliminary resource estimate for the Boomerang Kaolin Prospect, should assays and a reasonable expectation of economic extraction warrant.

The kaolin horizon at Boomerang averages 29m true vertical thickness (ranging 5m to 59m), with kaolin clays starting, on average,5.7m below the surface (ranging 2m to 11m), calculated from visual logging of all RC holes that have intercepted white kaolin clays to date (ASX release 17 December 2021).

Figure 3:Photographs of chip trays for 3 of the Boomerang RC holes, showing typical white kaolin alteration observed (collar locations of holes for the chips shown is provided in Figure 4)

To test the gold potential of the Boomerang Prospect, drill holes are being extended below the kaolin horizon into either saprock or fresh rock, at the discretion of the supervising geologist on assessment of the lithology, alteration, mineralogy and structure observable within the chips, in consideration with the location of the drillhole and KGD’s evolving geological interpretation of the Marvel Loch – Airfield Project (ASX release 17 December 2021).

Drilling of the remaining holes of the extended, approximately 80-hole program is expected to be completed
during Q1.

Figure 4: Map showing location of completed RC holes, coloured by depth of vertical kaolin intercept (as determined by geologist on rig), and location of remaining planned drillholes

Crayfish Gold Prospect

Previous drilling of the prospect warranted a follow up diamond drilling program to obtain oriented structural and lithology data for the next stage of drilling, and expand the Company’s geological knowledge of the area given that the largest producing gold mines within the prolific Southern Cross region are hosted by regional greenstone belts. Three holes were completed for a total 363.1m (including 112.1m of mud rotary pre-collars and 251m of NQ2 core) (ASX release 15 December 2021).

Figure 5: Photographs from 21CYRD003 (B & C) and 21CYDD001 (A & D) showing representative intercepts of the different lithologies encountered. A: pegmatitic granite and amphibolite gneiss. B: strongly silica- altered, weakly foliated amphibolite. C: Garnet-rich amphibolite with quartz veining, and D: weak-moderately foliated amphibolite with quartz veining (ASX release 15 December 2021)

G Star Gold Prospect

After an initial Auger geochemical sampling program in April 2021, Kula engaged Sahara Operations (Australia) Pty Ltd (Sahara) to complete follow up infill auger geochemistry sampling at G-Star during October 2021. Company geologists were onsite for the start of the program to ensure sampling of the correct horizon via appropriate sampling technique. Haematitic lateritic soils and saprolite clays—a favourable sampling medium—were observed. Assay results are pending and will be reported in due course.

Located 3.5km north of the Nevoria Gold Mine (+600,000oz gold), and 9km east of the 3 Moz Marvel Loch Gold Mine, the G-Star Prospect sits within the Ghooli Dome. Kula geologists consider the possibility that GStar is underlain by amphibolite and BIF greenstone (the predominant host rock of most of the gold deposits in WA) – (ASX release 9 November 2021).

Figure 6: Results of first pass auger geochemistry sampling (yellow, green, and blue dots), and location of the recently completed follow up auger geochemistry samples (white dots)

Westonia Project

KGD geologists undertook reconnaissance work on E77/2766 to assess the surficial cover to determine an appropriate method for first pass geochemical sampling. KGD geologists concluded the surficial cover was amenable to auger geochemical sampling, with the first pass auger program is planned for Q1, 2022. Rock chip samples were taken at various locations on tenement during the trip, with assays still pending.

Rankin Dome Project

Auger geochemical sampling, designed as an exploratory first pass in the unexplored NW quadrant of E77/2768, was completed by Sahara early in the quarter. Results and analysis are pending and will be reported in due course. Follow up auger drilling is planned for Q1, 2022.


Brunswick Project

Reconnaissance and geochemical sampling at the Brunswick Project, including the historical Donnybrook
Gold Mine, continued during the quarter.

KGD geologists’ program is strongly focussed on understanding the structural and lithological architecture
of this under-explored area. Field observation based geological interpretation coupled with the pending
surface geochemistry results will allow KGD to narrow down the conceptual target areas to those
considered most prospective for more extensive follow up field activities in Q1 and Q2, 2022.

Results along with forward plan for the project will be announced in due course.

Figure 7: Geochemical Sampling at Brunswick Project.

Download the Full Release here.

– News Release –

Date: 31 January 2022 | ASX Code: KGD

Competent Persons Statement: The information in this report that relates to geology and exploration is based on information compiled by Mrs Melanie Hickman, a Competent Person who is a member of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and the Australian Institute of Geoscientists. Mrs Hickman is a Geology and Exploration Consultant who has been engaged by Kula Gold Ltd. Mrs Hickman has sufficient experience, which is relevant to the style of mineralisation, geology and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity being undertaken to qualify as a competent person under the 2012 edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (the 2012 JORC Code). Mrs Hickman consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on her information in the form and context
in which it appears.

About the Company

Kula Gold Ltd (ASX: KGD) is a Western Australia gold exploration company focussed on large land positions and structural geological settings capable of hosting ~1m oz deposits.

The company has various gold, copper, nickel, PGE and kaolin projects across the Southern Cross region including Marvel Loch, Rankin Dome, Boomerang and Westonia, as well as near Brunswick and Kurnalpi-Lake Rebecca.

The company has a history of large gold resource discoveries with its foundation Woodlark Island project in PNG.

Contact the Company Secretary on Tel: +61(08) 6144 0592 or via cosec@kulagold.com.au