Southern Cross Region Projects2024-11-12T20:16:44+08:00

⛏️ Kula Gold has active tenements at its projects in the Southern Cross Region including:

Kula-Gold-Logo 50⛏️  In June 2024 – Kula Gold Limited was pleased to announce the acquisition of the historic high grade Mt Palmer Gold Mine (mining lease M77/0406 and exploration leases E77/2210, E77/2423 & E77/2668) near to Marvel Loch, in the Southern Cross Goldfields of WA.


  • Kula to acquire the historic Mt Palmer Gold Mine last commercially mined in 1944 down to only the 6th Level (~160m) at 15.9 grams/tonne
  • This acquisition adds to Kula’s Marvel Loch Project with multiple gold prospects
  • Significant opportunity to discover additional high-grade gold mineralisation
  • Being just 15km from the Marvel Loch gold processing plant and infrastructure, aligns with Kula’s strategy of exploring near to existing operations to fast track any discovery to monetary success
  • Indications of Lithium and Rare Earth Elements (REE) in the greater Southern Cross region will provide the concepts to be analysed in addition to gold similar to the existing Wesfarmers’ Mt Holland Lithium Project
  • Kula to raise $1,210,000 via a placement to professional and sophisticated investors

Figure 1: Kula’s Marvel Loch Projects – Septenber 2024

Kula’s Chief Executive Officer Ric Dawson commented.

This acquisition is in alignment with the Company’s strategy to add assets near to existing operations to fast track any discovery to monetary success. This historical rich ‘half ounce’ gold mine has huge potential of high-grade gold and is a priority drilling target for Kula.”

⛏️ June 2024 – Kula Gold conducts two day tour of the Mt Palmer Gold Mine Project as the technical team begins its due diligence process – see gallery.

Kula-Gold-Logo 50⛏️  In June 2023 – Kula Gold Limited was pleased to report a significant advancement of the Taliah Prospect from recent geochemistry, mapping, geophysics review taking this to a high order Lithium drill target at its 100% owned Southern Cross Lithium Project, approximately 90km North of the world class Mt Holland Lithium Mine (SQM and WES).

The Company also announced the new Sasha and Nadia Prospects – also located within Southern Cross Project.


  • Rock and soil sampling at the Taliah Prospect has advanced with numerous new anomalous lithium, tantalum and pathfinder results.
  • Up to 214ppm Lithium (Li) and 144ppm Tantalum (Ta), plus important pathfinder elements, Tin (Sn), and Beryllium (Be).
  • Structure was substantially expanded by 1km² up to 3.5km² following the key structures identified.
  • Significant anomalous Lithium and prospective fractionation K/Rb ratios.
  • New Sasha Prospect to the North of Taliah Prospect has a prospect size of 1.8km².
  • Tenement applied for directly North of these prospects following prospective structures.

Figure 1. Location of the Taliah, Nadia and Sasha prospects incl. rock chips and mapped geology at the new Southern Cross Project.

Kula’s Chief Executive Officer Ric Dawson commented.

“The new Taliah Lithium Prospect in the Southern Cross Project with anomalous lithium and tantalum elements is advancing to a drill ready prospect.

The new Nadia and Sasha Prospects advancing quickly from a first pass programme are also very encouraging.

These results are important as they provide a geological vector towards a possible orebody below and act as a precursor to the more definitive drilling in the future. The rocks here are ~2.6B years old so the evidence at surface provides the clues to a possible orebody in the vicinity.

Considering that this tenement has had zero previous exploration recorded in this mineral rich State of Western Australia, generally the first explorer tends to discover the larger finds.”

Figure 2: Kula’s Taliah Lithium Prospect and location of nearby infrastructure at Southern Cross.

⛏️ March 2023 – Kula Gold is pleased to report reconnaissance field mapping and sampling on a lithium and tantalum bearing pegmatite at its 100% owned Marvel Loch-Airfield Project (to become the Taliah-Nadia-Sasha Prospects at the Southern Cross Lithium Project), approximately 90km north of the hard rock Mt Holland Lithium Mine in Western Australia.

Kula’s Chief Executive Officer Ric Dawson said:

“This new target in the Marvel Loch-Airfield Project with a LCT suite mineralisation focus, opens up a whole new area of interest for the Company.”

  • Rock chip sampling at Marvel Loch E77/2806 has resulted in anomalous Lithium and Tantalum results.
  • Up to 59.8ppm and 40.2ppm Lithium (Li) and 55.5ppm Tantalum (Ta), along a magnetic structure of up to 4km.

Kula-Gold-Logo 50Kula Gold’s Rankin Dome Rare Earths Project (E77/2709 2753 2768) is located 10km west and 26km north west of Southern Cross.

Project Highlights:

⛏️ In September 2023 – Kula Gold reports the completion of a 249 hole higher definition shallow auger sampling program at the Rankin Dome Project by joint-venture partner Australian Critical Minerals Pty Ltd (‘ACM’).

  • Joint Venture partner Australian Critical Minerals completes 249 hole shallow auger sample program at the Rankin Dome Project.

  • 900m RC drill program is currently in progress to test areas of REE anomalism in soils.

⛏️ In July 2022 – Kula reported anomalous total Rare Earth Element (tREE) results from stage 2 geochemical sampling at Rankin Dome. Total Rare Earth Elements (tREE) values of up to 1,080ppm have returned from combined auger geochemical samples, with 74% of samples above 115ppm tREE.

For the latest from the Rankin Dome Rare Earths Project visit its dedicated project page.

Kula-Gold-Logo 50Kula Gold Limited’s Marvel Loch-Airfield Gold Project (EL77/2621) sits over the south-central part of the Ghooli Dome near Marvel Loch in the Southern Cross region of Western Australia.

The Project is located 5km east of the town of Marvel Loch, a major gold mining centre in Western Australia. This locality has a number of current and historical mining operations nearby, providing valuable infrastructure and services for potential future development including the Marvel Loch mine and mill, which are in production under the ownership of Minjar Gold.

⛏️  The Marvel Loch Story – MEGWA Presentation by Adam Anderson and Melanie Hickman in November 2022.

⛏️ The Southern Cross Greenstone Belt itself is a strongly deformed, metamorphosed synformal remnant of a once larger greenstone assemblage.

Within the Marvel Loch-Airfield Gold Project sits the Boomerang Kaolin Project, Ballantine White Prospect, Crayfish Gold Prospect and G-Star Gold Prospect. With Crayfish and G-Star identified as High Priority gold targets within the newly discovered greenstones.

The Southern Cross Greenstone Belt has been shaped and attenuated by the emplacement of syn-tectonic granitoids (Gee, 1995). These granitoid domes include the Ghooli, Parker and Rankin Domes (Gee, 1982; Keats, 1991).

On a regional scale, sheared lithological contacts are the primary control on the distribution of gold mineralisation. Most of the belt’s production has been derived from shear-hosted deposits (Marvel Loch, Yilgarn Star and Frasers) and to a lesser extent fold hinge deposits, usually in Banded Iron Formation (Copperhead, Golden Pig and Bounty).

Kula-Gold-Logo 50Kula Gold Limited made a significant discovery of Kaolin and Halloysite during RC Drilling on the Marvel Loch-Airfield Gold Project tenement in April 2021, when drilling intersected thick >42m vertical kaolin clay development over the 300m drilled length, creating the Boomerang Kaolin Prospect.

The JORC Resource Estimate announced July 2022 has verified the resource values for the Boomerang Kaolin Deposit as follows:

The JORC 2012 resource estimate was independently certified by Sedgman.

For the latest from the Boomerang Kaolin Project visit its dedicated project page.

Kula-Gold-Logo 50Kula Gold’s Westonia Gold Project is situated less than 5km south of the Edna May Gold Mine owned by Ramelius Resources (ASX: RMS) and located in the western section of the Southern Cross region in Western Australia.

The Westonia licenses cover an area of ~357km² and contain gravity and magnetic targets identified by Kula from reprocessing publicly available data.

Visit Kula Gold dedicated Westonia Project page for the latest news from this project.

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