Kula Gold Limited’s 100% owned Westonia Project is situated less than 5km south of the Edna May Gold Mine owned by Ramelius Resources (ASX: RMS) and located in the western section of the Southern Cross region in Western Australia.
For the very latest developments at Westonia – please view the News Feed on this page.

Exploration Updates at the Westonia Project in 2022-2023
⛏️ February 2023 – ASX News Release
- Kula Gold Limited reports that the reconnaissance drilling has been completed at the main ‘eye’ structure at its 100% owned Westonia Project located 5km from the Edna May Gold Mine.
- Drilling has now tested six high-priority targets at the Westonia Project near Edna May Gold Mine.
- The drilling program consisted of 1 Aircore hole and 26 RC holes for 2,292m of drilling as per Table 1. The drilling at the Westonia Project intersected encouraging rock types consistent with an Archean Greenstone sequence and similar to surrounding greenstones.
- There were zones of alteration with potential mineralisation to be determined. 614 composite samples from drill cuttings (Figure 2) have been sent for analysis with 97 composite samples already sent. From the most recent drilling, 90 composite samples have been requested for expedited processing.
⛏️ January 2023 – ASX News Release
- Kula Gold Limited reports that the reconnaissance drilling has commenced at the helicopter VTEM and drone magnetic survey targets including the main ‘eye’ structure (Figure 3) at its 100% owned Westonia Project (Figure 1) located 5km from the Edna May Gold Mine.
Drilling is underway to test three high-priority intrusive targets.
⛏️ January 2023 – ASX News Release
- Kula Gold Limited reports that the helicopter VTEM and a drone magnetic survey has now produced images that has an ‘Eye’ structure at its 100% owned Westonia Nickel-PGE-Gold Project located 5km from the Edna May Gold Mine following the Company’s initial survey exploration program, announced on 30 November 2022.
⛏️ December 2022 – ASX News Release
- Kula Gold Limited reports that the helicopter VTEM and magnetic survey has been extended with additional infill line kilometres at its 100% owned Westonia Project following the Company’s initial survey exploration program, announced on 30 November 2022.
⛏️ November 2022 – ASX News Release
- Kula Gold Limited reports that a helicopter VTEM and magnetic survey has commenced across the entirety of its 100% owned Westonia Project (Figure 1) following the Company’s successful maiden exploration program, announced on 30 August 2022.
⛏️ October 2022 – ASX News Release
- Kula Gold reports anomalous rock chip samples of up to 498.3ppm copper (Cu) in gossanous rock samples on its 100% owned Westonia Project.
- Maiden exploration program returns additional rock chip samples results up to 498.3ppm Copper and 15.5ppb PGE.
- Co-incident with magnetic structures.
- Gossanous outcrop located.
- Accelerated exploration program being expedited with Heli V-TEM in late November.
Results are presented in Figure 3, with observed geostatistics for the sample population presented in Table 1.
In addition, two photographs with significant gossanous/outcrop copper results are provided (Figures 4 and 5).

Figure 4. Left is a photograph of calcrete possibly silicified amphibolite? outcrop where sample was obtained, and right is the rock chip sample (RK000074) with 498.3 ppm Copper laboratory result. The nature of the mineralisation is indeterminable at present; however, this result appears to be geochemical enrichment within a predictable location of the regolith profile, suggesting the potential for further enrichment at depth.

Figure 5. Left is photograph of a gossan of mafic origin rock type with manganese staining where the sample was obtained, and right is a rock chip sample (RK000091) with 170.8 ppm Copper laboratory result. The nature of mineralisation is indeterminable at present. However, this result appears to be geochemical enrichment associated with a gossan suggesting potential for further enrichment at depth.
This is an exciting set of results with copper elements in addition to the previously announced PGE (Figure 6) and the targeted gold so close to the long-standing producing Edna May Gold Mine.

Figure 6. Rock sampling location, showing Platinum/Palladium results (with rock chips up to 15.5ppb). Overlain on Magnetics RTP_TMI_overlay_RTP_TMI_VD1e.
⛏️ August 2022 – ASX News Release
- Kula Gold reports anomalous geochemical results to 125ppb Pt +Pd (combined) and up to 35ppb Au in geochemical auger sampling, as well as 1.85g/t gold in a quartz vein rock sample from a lateritic breakaway on its 100% owned Westonia Project
- Maiden exploration program returns auger geochemical results up to 125ppb Pt + Pd (combined) and up to 35ppb Au.
- 1.85g/t gold returned in rock sample.
- Accelerated program being expedited.
This is an exciting and surprising set of results with PGE elements in addition to the targeted gold so close to the long-standing producing Edna May gold mine and warrants an accelerated exploration program by Kula which is now being expedited.
The program was completed with ~50m spaced geochemical samples taken on ~400m spaced lines. Results are presented in Figure 3 and Figure 4, with observed geostatistics for the sample population presented in Table 1.

Figure 3: Combined Pt+Pd results from auger geochemical sampling with values for >95th percentile displayed.
Pre-exploration updates at the Westonia Project in 2021.
⛏️ Kula’s Westonia licenses cover an area of ~357km² and contain gravity and magnetic targets identified by Kula from reprocessing publicly available data.
This acquisition continues Kula’s focus of drilling near to operating gold mines as geologically proven areas for discovery, and importantly the development and mining of any discovery is potentially much quicker and any development of future projects would require far less capex than a green fields new mine development.
The Edna May gold mine is a substantial producer in the Southern Cross region, owned by Ramelius Resources Ltd (ASX:RMS). It has a notable production history as detailed later in this release, including historical production 1911-1991 of 700,000 Oz, Since re-starting in 2010 has produced approximately 80-100,000 Oz p.a. and hosts resources of 28mt @1.0 g/t gold for 930,000 Oz as at 31 December 2020. (Ramelius Resources Ltd Annual Report 31 December 2020).
In total, the Edna May gold mine has an endowment of over 2 million Oz gold.
Read the history of Edna May here.
No historical gold drilling has been undertaken on the southern section (E77/2766), as per the WAMEX database.
Kula plans to test the gravity anomaly shown in Figure 2 below with deeper auger drilling to adequately test for gold anomalism below the interpreted transported soil cover.

Figure 1 – Gravity anomaly (red circle) on E77/2766 with gold deposits as yellow triangles at Kula Gold’s new Westonia Project.
The gravity anomaly of interest is similar in tenor to surrounding anomalies which host gold mineralisation (yellow triangles in the figure below) and include the Edna May gold deposits.
The licences, to the northeast of Edna May, were acquired based on magnetic targets which suggest a potential northern extension of the greenstone belt as shown in Figure 3 below.
Previous exploration in Kula’s Northern Westonia license has consisted of surface sampling which did not reveal any significant gold anomalies. Kula’s concept is that the previous surface soil sampling work was ineffective in testing the areas for gold mineralisation, therefore Kula will employ deeper auger type geochemical sampling to better test the gold potential of the licences at low cost.
Further work on the Westonia project is in progress, and results will be reported in due course.
Kula uncovers untested high-grade Gold drilling at new Mt Palmer East Prospect
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Kula commences Diamond Core Drilling on targets at Mt Palmer Gold Mine with Terra Drilling
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New lode to 6.66g/t Gold in shallow RC Drilling at Mt Palmer Project
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Quarterly Activity Report: Period Ending 30/06/2024
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Gallery: Euroz Hartleys brokers tour Mt Palmer Gold Project with Kula Management as drilling continues
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