Kula Gold Limited unveils amphibolite rock findings from Brunswick Project as it advances Ni-Cu-PGE mineralisation understanding at licence. Samples collected in Q4 2020.
>Brunswick Ni-Cu-PGE Project – Amphibolite rock examples.
Kula Gold’s Brunswick Project (licence E70/5599) covers 240km² and is located in the highly prospective Western Gneiss Terrain (approx. 150km south of Perth) which also hosts Chalice Gold Mines (the Julimar Ni-Cu-PGE Project), approx. 150km south of Perth in Western Australia.
The open file magnetic data collected in Q4 2020 (see latest Quarterly Activity Report) shows some subdued magnetic highs which the company thought was worth investigating further to see if the subdued magnetic response was masking potential Ultramafics in the licence area.
The open file magnetics within the licence area were reprocessed to highlight the magnetic highs some of which have been field checked. To date the magnetic highs are associated with Amphibolite rocks as shown in photo below.
The amphibolite grades from a hornblende – feldspar type (on the left of image above) to a hornblendite with 98% magnesium-hornblende with anomalous Nickel suggesting a potential ultramafic pre-cursor rock. At one site 7 soil samples were collected along a road cutting and two were sieved to -80um and analysed with the XRF which showed anomalous Cr, Ti, V, Cu and Ni.
The rock on the right in the image above contains anomalous Ni with 1540ppm from a rock chip sample assayed at Bureau Veritas which confirms the previously reported XRF reading of 2,000ppm.

Magnetic highs are typically associated with Amphibolite. Gold stars show historical gold projects, White stars are known pegmatites, Blue stars are known rock/laterite quarries in the area.
The Brunswick licence is also prospective for pegmatites which will be the subject of a planned field mapping program based on Aster imagery. A comprehensive soil sampling program is commencing this quarter (Q1 2021) to test the majority of the magnetic targets identified to date.
You can read Kula Gold’s Latest Quarterly Activity Report (Q4 2020) released on 29 January 2021 here.
– News Release –
Date: 2 February 2021 | ASX Code: KGD
The information in this report that relates to geology and exploration is based on information compiled by Mr. Adam Anderson, a Competent Person who is a member of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and the Australian Institute of Geoscientists. Mr. Anderson is a Geology and Exploration Consultant who has been engaged by Kula Gold Ltd. Mr. Anderson has sufficient experience, which is relevant to the style of mineralisation, geology and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity being undertaken to qualify as a competent person under the 2012 edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (the 2012 JORC Code). Mr. Anderson consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.
About the Company
Kula Gold Ltd (ASX: KGD) is a Western Australia gold exploration company focussed on large land positions and structural geological settings capable of hosting ~1m oz deposits.
The company has projects within the Southern Cross WA region including Rankin Dome and Marvel Loch, as well as near Kurnalpi and Brunswick. The company has a history of large gold resource discoveries with its foundation Woodlark Island project in PNG.
Contact the Company Secretary on Tel: +61(08) 6144 0592 or via info@kulagold.com.au