⛏️ Kula Gold Limited reports that exploration is progressing quickly at the historical Cammilleri/Donnybrook Mine and surrounds.

Fortunately, most of the old sample bags are onsite and intact which allowed the Company to do extensive relogging and reassaying of the 2003 RC drill programme. Furthermore, gold was panned by the Company’s geologist in hole DBRC08 at the interval 27-28m depth.

This was done following a review of WAMEX reports indicating highly variable gold assays using the AR technique, over 2m composites noting quartz veins from relogging that have haematite alteration and nuggety gold style of mineralisation.

Results are at the laboratory pending assay with fire assay which is more appropriate/accurate for nuggety gold style of mineralisation.


  • Substantial gold prospectivity identified at the historic Cammilleri Mine and surrounds
  • Cammilleri Mine recorded past production was extremely rich at 146g/t gold
  • 2005 historical RC holes DBRC06, DBRC07 and DBRC08 are in the process of being rebagged, relogged and reassayed with fire assay methodology
  • Visible gold panned onsite in some selective haematitic altered quartz rich zones

Kula Gold’s Managing Director Ric Dawson comments:

“Kula Gold is particularly interested in both the Cammilleri Mine and surrounds in a historically very rich area.

This neglected old mine has had no drilling since closing the mining in 1903.

Kula Gold is looking forward to this historical oversight and reaping the rewards for being more thorough.”

Figure 1: Kula Gold’s Brunswick Project, locations of the historic Cammilleri Mine, Mt Cara Mine and Donnybrook.

⛏️ Brunswick Project – E70/5660 – 100%

Mt Cara Mine

The historic Mt Cara Mine adjacent to the Cammilleri Mine had RC drilling completed in October 2003 by Range Resources Ltd.

Those reports have been reviewed and it was noted that the gold assay results over various intervals were highly variable across the repeats as in Table 2 (examples 451ppb Au versus 5,290ppb or 5.3g/t Au).

The assay method used was Aqua regia digestion with AAS, (atomic absorption spectrometer) which is known for being unable to provide a full digestion in coarse nuggety gold (which then reports to the assay).

As a result, Kula Gold has completed rebagging, relogging (original logs were not with the WAMEX A70160 report) and now assaying previously anomalous gold with 1m intervals and also 4m composite via a riffle splitter for the balance with fire assay methodology for a more complete gold digestion and assay reading.

Figure 2a: Recent Mt Cara resampling and relogging by Kula onsite.

Figure 2b: Recent Mt Cara resampling and relogging with observed remnant trace sulphides.

In addition, the relogging of the RC drill chips has provided evidence of more intervals of potential gold mineralisation with remnant sulphides observed in the quartz intervals and noting quartz veins that have haematite alteration and results are at the laboratory pending assay with the more complete digestion method.

Figure 3: Recent Mt Cara relogging with observed remnant trace sulphides.

Figure 4: Cross Section of the three historic RC drillholes

Cammilleri Mine Area

The Cammilleri Mine Area produced 236.73 ounces and the Company has received laboratory results of up to 11.19g/t gold from a recent chip and mapping programme and further sampling is in progress to refine drill targets.

The Company has submitted a Programme of Work in preparation for drilling as soon as results are received and analysed.

Figure 5: Location of the Cammilleri Mine and surrounds, historical RC drill holes.

The Cammilleri Prospect is in the regional setting of the Donnybrook Gold Mine (DBGM) and is in a gold trend that is located near the intersection of the major Donnybrook Shear Zone and the Darling Fault Zone and sits along/adjacent to this main gold corridor. Below, Figure 6, shows haematitic altered quartz vein in a host sandstone.

Figure 6: Outcropping predominantly hematite altered chalcedonic quartz veins within shallowly dipping sandstones. No visual sulphides are evident

Jarvis Prospect

The Jarvis Prospect was identified following a recent geological review of ex-Metana Minerals NL soil sampling and drilling during the mid-1980’s, see Figure 1.

The Jarvis Prospect is close to the Cammilleri Mine (0.8km) was scout drilled in the 1980’s following up a peak 500ppm soil anomaly with 4 percussion drill holes.

The inferior equipment used and resulted in poor and contaminated sample recovery according to the reports.

Kula Gold has a mapping, rock chipping and UFF soil sample programme underway this quarter to provide a better gold definition for drilling.

Further fieldwork on this epithermal style gold target is in progress.

Figure 7: An idealised model for epithermal gold deposits (Irvine and Smith, 1990) showing drill traces and rig. The symbols A, B, C and D denote hypothetical levels of exhumation of the deposit by surface erosion.

Further results will be reported in due course.

Other Gold Projects – Southern Cross Region

The short reconnaissance Boomerang RC drill programme of 4 holes below a soil anomaly did not return any gold assays of significance. Further targets are prospective around the previous 1m @ 2.6g/t drill result, but not priority at this stage while further analysis is undertaken, including refining the understanding of the surface geochemistry versus the depth profile. On the positive side all holes intersected between 27-32m of kaolin which is being analysed and will add to the large kaolin resource at Boomerang as these holes are extensional to the existing 93.3mt JORC resource. A substantial work program is progressing on the Stingray, Mustang, G-Star and Nevoria North and other gold prospects to bring them up to drill stage and significant results will be reported over the next few weeks.

View the Full ASX Announcement PDF


ASX Release – Donnybrook Samples up to 7.95g/t gold at Donnybrook Gold Mine Prospect – Brunswick Project – 4 July 2022

ASX Release – Exploration Update- Sample to 11.2g/t Gold 4 April 2024 WAMEX A70160

BOOMERANG DEPOSIT ASX Release- – Boomerang Kaolin Deposit- Maiden JORC Resources – 20 July 2022

Competent Person Statement

The information in this report that relates to geology and exploration is based on information compiled by Mr. Ric Dawson, a Competent Person who is a member of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Mr. Dawson is a Geology and Exploration Consultant who has been engaged by Kula Gold Limited. Mr. Dawson has sufficient experience, which is relevant to the style of mineralisation, geology and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity being undertaken to qualify as a competent person under the 2012 edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (the 2012 JORC Code). Mr. Dawson consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.

News Release

Date: 23 May 2024 | ASX Code: KGD 

About the Company
Kula Gold Limited (ASX: KGD) is a Western Australian mineral exploration company with expertise in the discovery of new mineral deposits in WA. The strategy is via large land positions and structural geological settings capable of hosting ~+1m oz gold or equivalent sized deposits including Lithium.
The Company is advancing projects within the WA goldfields at the Boomerang Gold Prospect at Marvel Loch Southern Cross, the South West region of WA for Lithium and Gold at Kirup and Brunswick – near the world class Greenbushes Lithium Mine, as well Lithium at the Taliah-Nadia-Sasha Prospects at Southern Cross, and Gold and PGE at Westonia (adjacent to the producing Edna May Gold Mine – owned by ASX:RMS).
Kula discovered the large 93.3mt Boomerang Kaolin deposit near Southern Cross WA – Maiden resource announced 20 July 2022. This project is in the economic study phase and moving to PE funding or trade JV.
The Company has a history of large resource discoveries with its foundation being the Woodlark Island Gold project in PNG, (+1m oz Gold) which was subsequently joint ventured and sold to (ASX: GPR).
Contact the Company Secretary for more information+61(08) 6144 0592 or cosec@kulagold.com.au