⛏️ Kula Gold Limited is pleased to announce the completion of diamond drilling at the Crayfish Gold Prospect at the company’s 100% owned Marvel Loch-Airfield Gold Project.
- Three (3) diamond drill holes totalling 363m have been completed.
- Greenstone and quartz veining intersected in all holes.
- Geological interpretation in progress.
- Core sampled and in transit to laboratory for assay.
Three (3) holes were completed for a total 363.1m (including 112.1m of mud rotary pre-collars and 251m of NQ2 core) at the Crayfish Prospect.
Collar Locations are provided in Figure 2.
The reverse circulation (RC) drill program on E77/2621 discovered previously unmapped amphibolite (greenstone-refer ASX release 2nd July 2021) within the Ghooli Dome, previously mapped by GSWA as granite. This program warranted a follow up diamond drilling program to obtain oriented structural and lithology data for the next stage of drilling and expand the Company’s geological knowledge of the area given the largest producing gold mines within the prolific Southern Cross region are hosted by regional greenstone belts.
Diamond drilling also aimed to test the potential extension and orientation of the low-level gold anomalism returned in 21CYRC004 and 21CYRC005 (see Figure 3) with 21CYRD003 drilled as a diamond tail to original RC hole 21CRYC003, extending the hole by 80.5m (to a total downhole depth of 145.8m). Orientation readings taken from 21CYRD003 were used to design a 2nd drill hole targeted to intercept the structures, veins, and contacts at a more optimal angle. This follow up hole, 21CYDD001, was drilled from surface on the same drill pad to a total downhole depth of 141.4m (including the 54.4m mud rotary precollar).

Figure 3: Cross section through existing RC holes at Crayfish along 6 520 950mN showing the extension of 21CRYC003 and one of the potential orientations for the low-level gold anomalism.
Given their close location, 21CYRD003 and 21CYDD001 intercepted similar lithologies—pegmatitic granite and amphibolite gneiss, variably silica-altered amphibolite, variably quartz veined and foliated amphibolite, and quartz-veined, garnet-rich amphibolite—as shown in Figure 4. In both holes, trace sulphides (dominantly pyrite and chalcopyrite) were observed within some sections of the silica-altered amphibolite and the garnet-rich amphibolite.

Figure 4: Photographs from 21CYRD003 (B & C) and 21CYDD001 (A & D) showing representative intercepts of the different lithologies encountered. A: pegmatitic granite and amphibolite gneiss. B: strongly silica- altered, weakly foliated amphibolite. C: Garnet-rich amphibolite with quartz veining, and D: weak-moderately foliated amphibolite with quartz veining.
21CYDD002 was collared approximately 400m south, targeting the strongly quartz veined amphibolite intercepted in RC holes drilled in the April Program (21CYRC015 – 21CYRC017), and was drilled to a total depth of 141.2m (including a mud rotary pre-collar of 57.7m). Representative photographs of the amphibolite, silica-altered amphibolite and quartz veining is provided in Figure 5.
Geological interpretation of the newly acquired data is ongoing and results will be reported as received and analysed.

Figure 5: Photographs from 21CYDD002 showing, A: amphibolite with quartz veining, B: silica-altered amphibolite with quartz veining, and examples of the brittle faulting within silica-altered amphibolite (C) and finer grained amphibolite (D)
For more details on the drillholes please download the full PDF
– News Release –
Date: 15 December 2021 | ASX Code: KGD
Competent Person Statement
The information in this report that relates to geology and exploration is based on information compiled by Mrs. Melanie Hickman, a Competent Person who is a member of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and the Australian Institute of Geoscientists. Mrs. Hickman is a Geology and Exploration Consultant who has been engaged by Kula Gold Ltd. Mrs. Hickman has sufficient experience, which is relevant to the style of mineralisation, geology and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity being undertaken to qualify as a competent person under the 2012 edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (the 2012 JORC Code). Mrs. Hickman consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on her information in the form and context in which it appears.
About the Company
Kula Gold Ltd (ASX: KGD) is a West Australian gold exploration company focussed on large land positions and structural geological settings capable of hosting ~1m oz deposits.
The company has various gold, copper, nickel, PGE, halloysite and kaolin projects across the Southern Cross region including Marvel Loch, Rankin Dome and Westonia, as well as at Brunswick and Kurnalpi-Lake Rebecca. The company has a history of large gold resource discoveries with its foundation Woodlark Island Project in PNG.
Contact the Company Secretary on Tel: +61(08) 6144 0592 or via cosec@kulagold.com.au