Gallery: Euroz Hartleys brokers tour Mt Palmer Gold Project with Kula Management as drilling continues

Kula Gold management hosted brokers from Euroz Hartleys on a tour of the Company's Mt Palmer Gold Mine Project near Marvel Loch this week. The Company's RC Drilling program is currently being conducted with Stark Drilling onsite, testing the down plunge along strike extensions to the historically known orebody. The Mt Palmer Mine (formerly known as Yellowdine Mine) produced over 150,000 ounces of gold at 15.9 grams/tonne in the period 1934 to 1944 and is north of the Nevoria Gold Mine (+600,000 ounces of gold), east of the circa 2.4million ounce Marvel Loch Gold Mine. [...]

By |2024-07-24T15:13:38+08:00July 24, 2024|Latest News, Southern Cross, Uncategorized|

Kula commences RC Drilling at the historic Mt Palmer Gold Mine

Kula Gold Limited is pleased to announce the commencement of the reverse circulation (“RC”) drill programme at the Company’s 51% acquired Mt Palmer Gold Mine located near Marvel Loch WA in the Southern Cross Goldfields. The historic Mt Palmer Gold Mine (formerly known as the Yellowdine Mine) was last commercially mined in 1944 down to the 6th Level (~160m) at 15.9 grams/tonne. View the PDF version of this ASX Announcement HIGHLIGHTS Mt Palmer drill programme commences today  The historic Mt Palmer Gold Mine (formerly known as the Yellowdine Mine) was last commercially mined in [...]

By |2024-07-17T09:57:59+08:00July 17, 2024|Latest News, Southern Cross, Uncategorized|

Rock chips up to 7g/t gold collected at newly acquired Donnybrook Gold Mine

⛏️ Kula Gold Limited reports a recent site visit by the company’s geologists to its expanded Brunswick Project allowed 8 grab/rockchip samples to be collected from its licence E70/5660 which hosts the Donnybrook Gold Mine (historic) and results from samples found up to 7g/t gold. Highlights: A total of 8 rockchips were collected from spoil around the Hunters JV headframe and at nearby Mt Cara to the north-west. E70/5513 was acquired, which is a granted EL contiguous with the central part of the Brunswick Project licence E70/5599. Results from Company samples up to 7g/t  (Table 1) and historic BP Minerals/West Coast Holdings Ltd percussion [...]

By |2021-09-30T10:30:17+08:00September 30, 2021|Brunswick, Latest News, Uncategorized|
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